Hi, you want host your WordPress site on aws (Amazon Web Service) cloud services, he there is the way. This article is very much helpful for the website users especially start up users because Amazon Web Service provide 12 months free uses with limit of 750 hours every month. So if you have idea to start a website then Amazon is very good option to go with WordPress. Even though it is free tier everyone not know about the set up of cloud hosting server so they thought to buy hosting IP from a hosting website and link with the DNS is easy but aws is also easy if you know the set up
Here I show you the easiest way of aws set up. If you follow this tutorial you can make your website is ready within 10 minutes.
Step 1: Login
- Go to the aws.amazon.com
- If you are new user then sign up with registration and login with new user name and password otherwise you can directly login
- It will ask for your credit card account during registration and they will deduct Rupees 2 from account and they refund it after two days.
Step 2: Sign in to the console
- In the screen click on ec2.
- After screen opened click on Launch Instance
- A new AMI wizard opens in that click on “Aws Market place” and also type word press in the search box and search it
- It will give some WordPress powered by different companies. In that choose WordPress that powered by bitnami.
- In the next screen of instance type select the free tier eligible and click on “Next add Storage”.
- Check with your storage capacity and select “Next”.
- Key and value table opens in that with a name and value. For example WordPress in name column and also wordpress in value column and click on “configure Security Group”.
- Check with Protocols and leave as it is and click on “Review and Launch”. Finally in instance “Launch”.
- A pop up screen opens in that select “create a new key pair”, name it below as “wordpress” and download it.
- Then wordpress.pem gets downloaded in your system.
- Then select “View Instance”. Now you can able see your instance in the console.
- Wait until the Instance turns to green color. It shows the activated stage of instance.
Step 2: WordPress Setup
- In the Instance we created before steps can be view with the Public IP just copy that IP and paste in the browser. For Example If your IP is
- Then type in browser. Now you can able to login to the WordPress.
- Enter username as user and password you have check with you log. For that go to Action under that select “ instance setting” in that you have “Get system log” in that you have your password marked inside block just copy it and paste in password box.
- Now your WordPress is ready you can customize and update the plug-in whatever you want.
Step 3: Generate Elastic IP
- Public IP we created before can change over every time to make it as unique we have to create an elastic IP. For that go to elastic IPs click on ”New Elastic Address”
- Now New Elastic address created is visible to you select it and go to action in that select “Associate Address”. In that select the instance you want to connect with. Now your IP is ready.
Step 4: Download Puttygen and Putty
- Open puttygen and in conversion menu select the wordpress.pem we downloaded earlier and save it as private key in some location now it convert in to wordpress.ppk file.
- Now open putty then in the box of IP address type the Public IP we created in instance and in the category select SSH under that select authenticate it with using wordpress.ppk file.
- Now login in SSH console by using login “bitnami”.
- Then it show welcome to WordPress, then allows the permission to visit the WordPress.
Step 5: To connect with your Domain name
- There are lots of ways to get a domain name.
- One way is go to cloudfare.com create a domain name.
- And you can configure the IP we created with domain name in DNS setting.
- Now login with domain name you can able to see your website ready.
The video: Amazon web Service and WordPress connection
The above steps are used to display your domain name url without www (world wide web). If you want to add www to point ur url then you have to go for ROUTE 53.
Step 6: ROUTE 53 connection
- Copy the Elastic IP that we created before.
- Go to Route 53 in aws services.
- Select hosted zone in DNS Management
- Type your url in the Domain name box and click button create.For example testlab.com
- Now go to create Record set and type www in the Name box and paste your elastic IP address in the value box. Then click create.
- Now the name server is created just copy the 4 nameservers and paste it in your namecheap.com by selecting custom name server( custom DNS).
- That’s it.
Definitions of Technical terms:
INSTANCES: Instance is used to share the other resources of the host computer.After sharing the resources such as memory,CPU,etc. an IP address will be created at the end of the process but this IP address keep on changing every time with the user.
Types of Instances:
- General Purpose
- Computer Optimized
- Storage Optimized
- Memory Optimized
- Accelerated Computing
Free Tier comes under General purpose it has (12 months only)
- 750 hours per month of t2.micro instance usage.
- 5GB storage.
- 20000 Get Request and 2000 put request.
- RDS with 20GB storage.
- With this the provide free developer software like git, bugzila and they provide infrastructure software like lamp, coachbase and also business tools like WordPress, sugarCRM etc.
Elastic IP: Elastic IP is Static IPv4 address that is used to make changing IP address stable.Associate with Elastic IP with your Public IP is must to make your public IP stable.
The above terms are basic terms for website service in cloud if you want know deeply click link.
Free tier Popular Software Availability:
- CentOS
- Lamp stack
- Couchbase
- Sophos UTM 9
- paloalto
- cisco
- vsec
- word Press
- f5
- vyos
- splunk
- Brocade
- citrix
- Turnkey
- Tomcat
- Panoply.io
- CPanel
This is the easy way to connect the service of aws and installation of WordPress. now you can able to enjoy blogging by connecting it to your web domain name.