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By using Activities, we can set some default values to class properties.
Steps tab contains series of steps, each and every step we need to call one predefined method.
Each step contains,
a) Label: It can be used to control the execution of steps. If we don’t want to execute, we need to give “//” symbol in label.
b) Description: It gives the purpose of that method.
c) Step page: In step page we will select the page name , that page name acts as a reference to class properties.
d) Method: It will define the pre-defined method available in a drop down list based on requirement.
It can be used to pass the parameter value to properties. They are two types;
a) Parameter variable: It is just like a global variables, which means we can acess the parameter variable in other activities also by using “param” keyword.
b) Local variable: We can access the local variable in that activity by using “locale” keyword.
They are two types:
1) May start: If we check the may start check box, that activity acts as a calling activity.
2) Authenticate: If we check the Authenticate check box, that activity will be in sharing mode, means other operators can able to access this activity.
If we uncheck the Authenticate check box, that activity will not be in sharing mode, other operators cannot be able to access this activity.
In a pages and classes tab, if we enter any page name and class name,that page name will be created in clipboard. This page name acts as a referance to class properties or clipboard properties.
1) Activity: When activity call from another activity or same activity, then activity should be Activity.
2) Utility: when Activity call from a flow, then Activity should be Utility.
3) Connect: If we are connecting through external data base or web services, then the Activity type should be Connect.
4) Trigger: If we are writing any trigger messages, then activity type should be Trigger.
5) Route: If we want to route the task , then activity type should be route.
6) Notify: If we want to send notification messages through activity, then activity type should be Notify.
7) On change: If we want to call activity in a declare on change rule, then activity type should be On change.
They are two types:
a) Call: If we call one activity to another activity by using call, it will execute the called activity and return back to calling activity then execute the remaining steps in a calling activity.
b) Branch: If we call one activity to another activity by using Branch, it will execute the called activity and calling activity then it will not execute the remaining steps after branch.
1) Yes: If Rule Availability is equal to Yes, then Rule is available to a particular set.
2) No/Draft Mode: If Rule Availability is equal to No/Draft Mode, then Rule is not available to a particular set.
3) Final: If Rule Availability is equal to Final, then Rule is not over write or change in a particular rule set.
4) Withdrawn: If rule availability is equal to Withdrawn, then Rule is not available to lower version and it is available in current and higher version .
5) Blocked: If Rule availability is equal to Blocked, then Rule is not available to lower versions of that particular class and inheritance class.
They are two types:
1. Pattern inheritance.
2. Direct inheritance.
Whenever we are searching for rule, Pega first checks with pattern Inheritance, if pattern inheritance is not able to find that rule then, it will check with Direct inheritance.
Direct inheritance checks with @base class.
By default pega follows Pattern inheritance.
By using OBJ-Methods, we can fetch the data in to internal data base.
1. OBJ-OPEN: By using OBJ-Open method, we can fetch single record from the data base by passing primary key value.
2. OBJ-SAVE: By using OBJ-save method, we can save the data in to data base table.
3. OBJ-BROWSE: By using OBJ-browse method, we can fetch multiple records from the data base table.
4. OBJ-DELETE: By using OBJ-delete method, we can delete in to class insistance in a data base table.
By using Dynamic select, we can fetch the data from data base table Dynamically by using OBJ-BROWSE method.
By using Repeating lay out, we can display the multiple records data in a user interface.
1) RDB-List: we can fetch multiple records from external data base.
2) RDB-OPEN: we can fetch the single record from external data base table.
3) RDB-SAVE: we can save the data in to external data base.
4) RDB-DELETE: we can delete the class insistence.
By using Data Transforms, we can set default values to properties.
They are four types :
1) Decision Table
2) Decision Tree
3) When Rule
4) Map value
If you want to validate properties before submitting the forms, those validation we can call as a client side validations.
If we want to validate properties after submitting the forms, those validations we can call as a server side validation.
Declarative Rules no need to call separately. Based up on the properties we can create the Declarative Rules.
1. Declare expression
2. Declare constraints
3. Declare on change
4. Declare page
5. Declare Trigger
6. Declare Index
whenever we are changing the source property value automatically, it will change the target property value.
Whenever we are changing the input property value automatically it will change the target property value.
Whenever we are using target property value, automatically it will recalculate the input values.
1. Connector Flow Action:
2. Local flow action:
1. Straight through process:
The flows contains only starter shape and ending shape without any shapes then we called as a straight through process.
2. Process flow:
By using Routing, we can transfer the work or task to single or multiple operator’s. Routing can be done in two ways:
a) Work List:
If we want to transfer or route the work to single operator, we can use work list.
b) Work Basket:
By using work Basket, we can transfer the work to multiple operators.
SLA defines how much time and urgency is required to complete work.
• SLA can be created under process category.
• SLA defines 3 types of time intervals.
a. Goal Time: Goal time can be calculated from whenever your work is created or started.
b. Dead Line Time: It can be calculated from whenever task is created or started.
c. Passed Dead Line Time: It can be calculated from whenever dead line time is completed
• SLA defines 5 types of urgency values
a. Default urgency
b. Initial urgency.
c. Goal urgency.
d. Dead Line urgency.
e. Passed Dead Line urgency.
• The default urgency value is 10.
• The default value urgency is defined in PyDefault Data Transform, its property name is .PxUrgencyWorkClass.
They are two types of SLA’s
1. Assignment level SLA:
It can be called in flow under Assignment shape.
2. Work object level SLA:
It can be called in a default data transform with property name .pySLAname
By using Transition check box in a activity we can handle the Exception.
I. Pause: if you want to start or stop
II. Clear: if you want to clear the tracer, needs to click on clear.
III. Settings: whatever we want to trace, we need to select the particular rule like activities, when rule.
IV. Break points: If I want to trace particular activity, particular step then We need to set Break point.
V. Watch variable: we can able to see parameter variable in a watch.
VI. Remote Tracer: If I want to trace some other operator work, by using Remote Tracer we can Trace.
Click on pega logo-Application-tools-Documentation
What is built in Pega class?
How many types of inheritance in Pega?
What is pattern inheritance and direct inheritance?
Define data class and work class?
What is operator and how will you create it?
What is rule and ruleset in pega prpc?
How to Create Operators and First Abstract Class?
How to Create a Class Structure?
Define page, page list and page group?
Define single value, value list and value group?
How to Create Data Table Classes?
How to Create User interface?
What is section and flow action?
Define different types of layout in section?
How to create a flow action?
How to create activity.
Giving Input using property set method.
Looking at the pyWorkPage.Using Page remove method.
Checking User pages , created In the clipboard.
How to insert data into the data tables through activities.
How to fetch data from the data tables.
How to fetch multiple records from the data tables.
How to conditionally display a section.
What is decision rule and define the types of decision rule ?
How to create Decision Table?
How to create a Decision Tree?
What is declarative rules and defines the types of decorative rule?
How to declare expressions?
How to declare constraints?
How to Declare on change?
Service— Pega PRPC acts as server and external system acts as client.
Service SOAP
Connect– Pega PRPC acts as client and external system acts as server.
Connect-SOAP, Connect SQl
Service-SOAP, Connect-SOAP, Connect-SQL…
We will have run in parallel option to run Connect-SOAP activity..
Tree Complex if else structure..
Table- if else in tabular format.. less complex..
Map-Value based of single property..
Flow—defines process…
Local action—updates the work item..never advances the flow..
Connector—advances the flow..
Workobject level – give sla name at pySLAName property of data transform,…
Assignment level..Give a Assignement shape
At assignment shape in flow
Interested to know about the work but do not directly resolve WO… ex Com,gov,operator,org,Person
Page-New, Page-Remove, Obj-open,Obj-List, Obj-Save, RDB-Save,RDB-List,RDB-Delete etc..
Activity, utility, LoadDeclarativePage, Trigger,Validate,Assembly etc..,
ScreenFlow, SubFlow starter flow..
New, Confirm, Perform Review Reopen
Using SMA
Agent Mgnt select the required agent-> delay the agent->
Find the requestor id..
Requestor Mgt -> trace the agent by selecting requestor id..
Created by PRPC system.. for Rule-Agent-Queue
Obj-open to open single instance..
Browse is to form the list of embedded pages… for the given criteria..
Obj-used for both internal and external DBs
RDB used for only External databases..
RDB methods working with Pega internal DBs causes Loss of data.
11 modes
Single aggregate..
Single-Property simple integer, text, decimal, date, etc..,
Aggregate — List, group properties
Reporting— detailed display of records from DB..
List view— Detailed record by record display
Summary View— Chart representation of data
Report Definition—Can be used as both List View and Summary view
28. Email Listener ,File listener
29. Access Groups, access roles
30. Parameter values ,local values
Parameter values are across activities..
Local values available only in that activity..
31. Different types of pages in clipboard
Declare pages, user pages, operator ,Organization, division etc.,
32. PAL, Pre-flight
Preflight facilitates to find warnings in activities and decision rules..
33. Tracer
34. How to connect External DB from your application
create Data-Admin-DB-Name with java bridge details..
35. Smart BPM Methodologies
14 steps..
36. Diff b/w BPM and BRE
BPM – automatic processing..
BRE—Only business rules.. flows not required.
37. Circumstance and types simple circumstance (value based,time based), multiple circumstance (circumstance definition, circumstance template)
38. Rule set and Rule set Versions
Container of Rules id Ruleset—multiple versions can be created for a single ruleset
39. What is grid layout tree layout
40. Guardrails in Pega
Limit custom java, establish robust foundation, build for change, do nthing hard,etc..,
41. Import ,export rules Product, ProductPatch
42. Production rule set
43. Agile Methodologies SCRUM
44. Work Type:
fundamental unit of work .can be create, update and resolve
45. Work Item:
Unique Id, Urgency and status.
6R`s Automation: Receive (accepting), Routing, Report, Respond, Research (decision), Resolve
46. What are the fields in the properties panel of an assignment shape?
Route Notify Ticket Status Localactions Harness
47. Where can we call the activities in a flow action?
Post activity Preactivity at action tab
48. What is Class structure of your Project? Explain about the project Flow?
Organizatin-> Division-> Framework->Implementation
49. What is the Rule availability?
Rule available for Rule Resolution algorithm, Yes,No,Final,Blocked,
50. What is the Final availability and how can change availability of Rule?
Save into different Ruleset
51. Can you Override Final rule?
S. Only in same Ruleset
52. What is the rule resolution Algorithm and can you tell me how it works or search?
Rule resolution is the search algorithm that the system uses to find the best or most appropriate rule instance to apply in a situation.
Rule resolution applies to all but a few rule types — classes that inherit from the Rule- base class. Rule resolution does not apply to instances of classes derived from the Work-, Data-, or any other base class.
write the answers for unanswered questions in the below comment box.
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